Wednesday 23 January 2008

Body Poppin' 2CV

Great video by Singularity2035, not pleased by the bit at the end though. In case you didn't know - 2CVs rule and so does this book from Veloce. Visit Veloce Publishing here.

Citroën 2CV – The Essential Buyers Guide

By Mark Paxton


- Unique, no other buyer’s guide on the market
- Author has repaired and restored these cars for over 20 years
- Full colour illustrations of the major defects likely to be found
- Handy size, take it with you
- Logical, easy to follow, lay out
- Comprehensive coverage of models
- Clear, jargon free text
- Real life cost analysis
- Lists key players in the 2cv world
- Author is a life long enthusiast


Given the small cost of this book, you would be foolish to spend thousands on an example of Citroën's classic and iconic 2CV without taking it's expert advice ...


STOP! Don’t buy a 2CV without buying this book FIRST! Having this book in your pocket is just like having a real marque expert by your side. Benefit from Mark Paxton’s years of 2CV ownership: learn how to spot a bad car quickly and how to assess a promising one like a professional. Get the right car at the right price!

Independent Reviews

Review by Mark Holman for New Zealand Classic Car, October 2007

As with previous books from this series, these are 64-page soft-cover books, small enough to fit into a coat pocket and pretty well guaranteed to come in very handy if you are buying any of these cars from very different ends of the classic scale.

All follow a similar layout, starting with 'is it the right car for you?', and then going through the 15-minute quick check (walk away or not?) followed by a very detailed checklist which you can use to 'mark' the car, and what to look out for on a test drive. There are also chapters on whether you want to restore a model, paint problems, things to watch out for if the car has had little recent use, and lists of clubs and spares specialists.

The books are well-illustrated, and the advice looks really practical. They don't pretend that classic car ownership is easy, or necessary profitable in purely financial terms, yet they are clearly written by guys who are enthusiastic about the pleasure you can get from a good example of any of these cars.

While I have never been in the market for them, I would want to have one of these books if I were – definitely recommended.

Review from Australian Classic Car, September 2007

Veloce has now published 13 of these handy pocket size books. Each serves as a useful guide for enthusiasts and assumes that readers will already know a little about older cars. The publications follow a pattern, starting off with the question, "Is this car right for you?" – it's a valid question, since many first-time owners buy with their hearts and not their heads, and live to regret it.

Items to watch out for are helpfully divided into a 15-minute evaluation and a more serious investigation examining mechanicals, body, trim and so forth in close detail. The author then compares the various advantages of auctions against private sales before discussing the all important paperwork – after all, you'll want to make sure that the seller actually owns what you are buying. Internet links and tips on where to find spares are helpful as is the list of relevant publications. Put it in your pocket before you start looking.

Review from The Automobile, August 2007

These invaluable little books follow the same format and provide very useful information if you are thinking of buying one of the relevant models. Written by marque experts, they guide you through the whole process from first buying thoughts to final inspection and assessment of likely restoration problems. They close with a review of the relevant clubs and an introduction to other books to help with the restoration process.

Review by David Burdett for 2CVGB News, July 2007
UK magazine

If you're going to look at any second-hand car, taking an expert on the model along with you is the obvious ideal. If that car happens to be a 2CV then Mark Paxton's well-written book may be even better.

Mark first asks the questions that few about to be 2CV owners ever do. Is the 2CV the right car for you? Could you live with one? In the world of the power-assisted, servo-braked. non-rusting, dependable, quiet supermini these are important and relevant considerations. Looking wistfully at a shiny 2CV through a rosy haze, with thoughts of sunny days and the wind in your hair and no consideration of how you are going to get it home and look after it, or whether you mind it dripping on your leg when it rains, can be an expensive mistake. As can omitting to check the whole car for hidden mechanical or structural nightmares due to being distracted by the very friendly and chatty seller. Which, of course, is the whole point of this guide.

After explaining the different models, from early ripples through to the last Portuguese examples and pointing out their pros, cons and relative values, the book takes you through finding and then meeting your potential purchase for the first time. You are told what equipment will be useful to you and what questions it might be pertinent to ask the seller before you start. Then, by guiding you round the car in a logical order, examining all the 2CV's known problem areas with colour photos and easy to follow text, Mark's 'Fifteen Minute Evaluation' should tell you whether you ought to stay and undertake further investigation or catch the next train home.

If the condition and price seem right, the next chapter is the 'Serious Evaluation'
with a unique point scoring system for each area of the car. This is where the book scores over the expert. It is completely impartial and if used properly doesn't miss a thing. Here again, colour photos and clear explanations help the uninitiated. Mark allows about an hour for this part including a fifteen-minute test drive during which you are advised about what to look and feel for, and even what the car should sound and smell like. Following this thorough examination the points are added up to see if your first impressions were correct.

With an inflation-proof spare parts price guide and sections about vans, paperwork, the 2CV community, restoration, auctions, problems with paint and lack of use, and lists of specialists and parts suppliers this really is a comprehensive little book. Taking it with you and using it will undoubtedly put you in a very strong position when it comes to agreeing a price.

As someone who has, on several occasions, let emotion preside over common sense when looking at a second-hand A-series, I wish Mark Paxton had written this guide about ten years ago. He might have saved me a lot of money.

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