Friday 28 October 2011


Stuart Turner & Graham Robson speaking at Beaulieu in November.

The ‘Do You Want To Be A Motoring Writer’ conference being held at the National Motor Museum, Beaulieu on Saturday 19th November 2011 has attracted some very knowledgeable speakers. Recently that great raconteur, Stuart Turner (left), has been added to the list.

The conference is aimed at the enthusiastic motor club member interested in particular in veteran, vintage or classic cars and wants to get something more out of their hobby. The morning session will be about writing for magazines and the electronic media, whilst the afternoon will concentrate more on book writing and publishing.

Other speakers include; Steve Cropley, Editor in Chief of Haymarket Motoring magazines, Mark Hughes, Editorial Director, Haynes Book Publishing, Steve Redway, Editor of the TR Register club magazine TRaction, Mark Robinson, editor of Mini Magazine, Graham Robson (below), author of over 150 motoring books and Jon Pressnell, freelance classic car journalist and historian. There will be question sessions at intervals so that the audience can join in, ask questions or express opinions.

Organised by the Michael Sedgwick Memorial Trust, there are still a few places left – but hurry! There are full details of the conference and application form on the website, click on ‘conference’.

Source: Beaulieu

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