Thursday 5 July 2012


Splonk is the mascot that joined Nicky West & Rob Stacey in their adventure to Asia in a 50 year old 850cc Mini Minor. The subject of forthcoming Veloce book Mini Minor to Asia Minor - There & Back.

That's it folks... all that's left a ancient Troy. sign of Brad Pitt tho'.

A quiet seat (at last!) in the Roman amphitheatre of Ephesus.

Syrian border closed, might have to sail to Egypt...think we need a bigger boat.

4. I give you the Bosphorus... where east meets west.

5. I've got a great idea...let's go by magic carpet.

What a nightmare... heading back to italy, chance of making of Egypt lookin' slim.

Pictures & captions kindly supplied by Nicky West.

Forthcoming! Mini Minor to Asia Minor - There & Back
By Nicky West. Foreword by Jean Christophe Novelli

The story of an independent trek in a restored 50-year-old Mini – all the way to the Great Pyramid and back. Inspirational to others, the book includes practical advice on the preparation required for such marathon drives, along with photos of car prep and the run itself.

More info.

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